2. Meeting new people isn’t always fun for me; it’s
actually incredibly stressful. Meeting a lot of new people at once is
exhausting, I have to be witty and charming for long periods of time for
people I don’t know. Maybe I’ll meet someone really great, but maybe I’ll say
something really stupid and offend someone. Please keep this in mind the next
time you try to force an introvert into a new environment.
3. I need alone time. Being around people all day
totally drains me of energy, by being alone, I can recharge and relax. It gives
me time to think.**Important** Please, please, please do not
interrupt my time. You taking that time away for me is the same as if someone
were to deny you sleep. You would be able to function, but you would be
exhausted and crabby. So, if you try to take away "me time", you might get stabbed with a fork. You have been warned.
4. Staying in is just as fun for me as going out. Please don’t think that I’m sitting by myself all alone and depressed Bridget Jones style when I stay in. I actually love being able to just put on comfy cloths and watch Netflix. It’s pretty much of my idea of a perfect night.

5. Don't pity me for whatever “life
experience” you think I’m missing out on by not going out all the time. I
actually have no problem with not experiencing a few of the “crazy drunken
nights” you feel like I should be having. If it really means that much to you I
can get drunk at home and cuddle with my dogs (while not having to deal
with creepy guys trying to buy me drinks). Really, I don’t want your pity. You
do you, and when you want some down time, you know where to find me!
6. Please don’t put all the attention on me. If I
want people to pay attention to me, I can make it happen myself. However, when
you do it for me, it makes me really embarrassed and uncomfortable. I know you
mean well, but I can handle it myself.

8. Please don’t try to surprise me with plans. I
need to time to correctly organize my day and when something is thrown at me
last second it’s very stressful.
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